Best mini stepper machine reviews

Space and time are two things we all never seem to have enough of. Trying to fit in exercise on a budget with no free time is hard right? Buying a machine to help you workout at home might be a solution but you don’t have much space. To solve this problem we put together these best mini stepper machine reviews to help you choose an effective, affordable mini stepper to get the results you want without the hassle.

Mini Stepper Machine-How does it work?

If you have ever been to a gym then you have probably used or at least seen a stepper machine. They are very effective and burn some serious calories. Unfortunately, they tend to be too large and too expensive to have in your home.

To solve this problem you may want to consider a mini stepper machine but are they as effective?

It’s always tricky to compare a commercial level machine from a gym or something like a maxi climber to a mini stepper. Of course, they are not exactly the same but they both have their place and advantages.

Like any Stepper or Stairmaster, a mini stepper focuses on working your leg muscles. Your legs house the largest muscles in your body. Working larger muscles burns more calories and increases your heart rate. That makes it a pretty simple equation.

A mini stepper machine does this really well and since it’s incredibly easy to use you won’t need to spend hours reading manuals or learning how to use it.

As we already said a solution that saves time and money is what we are looking for so this ticks those boxes.

Under desk stepper-using your mini stepper at work

You may be looking for a home workout option but have you considered combining your workday with exercise. A mini stepper offers an option that few pieces of exercise equipment do. It’s can fit right under your desk. You can get your work done and smash your workout at the same time.

In addition to being a time-saver, you might actually find that you feel better, have more energy and increase your productivity. That’s a win-win right? If you think about it, it’s quite simple, moving your legs improves your circulation and boosts your heart rate.

If you are like me I find sitting for hours on end at a desk makes me tired and lethargic. I leave work feeling like I have no energy and the last thing I want to do it hit the gym. Using my mini stepper at work I feel more awake all day and leaving work I actually feel ready to hit another workout.

It doesn’t take long to reach your fitness goals when you burn calories at work and suddenly have more energy to get more done. You can even use a mini stepper while watching TV at home.

Best mini stepper machine reviews

Now that we have established that mini steppers work and offer some pretty cool options you need to decide which one would work best for you. This will depend on how often you plan to use it and your fitness level and budget.

Let’s take a look at the best mini stepper machines and how they stack up. Time to dive in:

Jfit Under Desk & Stand Up Mini Elliptical/Stepper

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The Jfit mini elliptical and stepper offers a great combo of features. As the name gives away it is both a stepper and an elliptical. It’s small enough to fit right under the desk which is great and it looks pretty cool too.

It’s one of the only ellipticals/steppers on the market that has fully adjustable pedals.Having this flexibility is great as it means you can adjust the angle of the pedals to use it sitting at your desk or in a more standard standing position.  Overall it has three different levels of adjustment so plenty of options.

In terms of convenience and practicality, it is easy to transport using the top handle so you can bring it with you between work and home. One thing that worries people when considering a mini stepper for use in the office is the noise levels. The Jfit Under desk is very quiet which allows you to use it without disturbing your co-workers.

Unlike many of its competitors it comes with a monitor which allows to track and record your workout time, the number of calories burned and so on. For those using a fitness tracker or following a nutrition plan, this can be very helpful.

Lastly, the Jfit has a fully adjustable tension dial. I find this great as I tend to lower the resistance while I’m at work when I am using it in a more passive way. Then I dial it up when I use it in the standing position at home.

Overall its a great buy and sits in the middle price range. Definitely one to consider.

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Stamina In-Motion Elliptical Trainer

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If you are looking for something in a slightly lower price range then the Stamina In-Motion Elliptical trainer might be an option.

At first glance, you might think it looks pretty similar to the Jfit trainer we looked at above. It does have a lot of similar features such as a monitor to display your time and the calories burned etc. It is also small, lightweight and easy to transport.

The design is targetted to be low impact which is great for those looking to protect their knees, back or other joints.

The two big differences here are price and flexibility. Unlike the Jfit elliptical the Stamina In-motion does not allow you to adjust the pedal positions. This can be an issue especially if you plan to use it at work since your desk may be at a certain angle or position.

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In terms of price versus quality, it is cheaper but is definitely not as high quality as the Jfit. If you are looking for long term use I would probably go with one of the others. If however, you want most of the features for a lower price and intend to be a less frequent user check this one out.

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Xiser Commercial Mini Stairmaster

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As you can probably tell from the picture above the Xiser stepper is on a completely different level. As you might imagine from the name it is a commercial grade machine.

It comes with a 5-year warranty which is practically unheard of, certainly in home fitness equipment anyway. Unlike the others which are combinations of plastic and metal, the Xiser is cast airframe grade alloy. This makes it almost indestructible and can take an upper user weight limit of 400 pounds.

It provides its resistance using a hydraulic cylinder system which is what you would expect to find on a large commercial grade machine at your local gym.

One thing which is really great is that the Xiser stepper responds to your effort when in use. This means you don’t have to select a particular resistance level like the other machines. It challenges you all the time this way which is great. Again this is a feature you would usually expect to find on a machine in your local gym.

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The only downside to the Xiser is its price. Since it is commercial grade and has features to match it is quite a bit more expensive than its rivals. However, in my opinion, the others don’t really compare as rivals. If you want a serious machine which you will have for years and offers a full gym type workout with all the benefits of being able to use it anywhere get the Xiser. It is head and shoulders above the rest.

If you want a serious machine which you will have for years and offers a full gym type workout with all the benefits of being able to use it anywhere get the Xiser. It is head and shoulders above the rest.

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Over to you

Now that you have seen the options available it’s up to you to decide. Whatever you choose you will be on your way to improving your health and fitness. That can only be a good thing. Happy Stepping!